The Refugio County Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of citizens who are investing their time in a community development program-working together to improve the economic, civic, and cultural well-being of our citizens.
Refugio County Chamber of Commerce is composed of committee workers, directors, and officers who serve without pay. Any citizen who is interested in helping develop Refugio County generate more money, business, jobs, and better living is eligible to be a member. Dues are required but are designed to permit even the smallest business to join.
Membership Benefits
- "Grand Opening" Ribbon Cuttings and Ground Breaking Ceremonies are attended by Directors of the Chamber Board, Staff and Fellow Members to help welcome you to the Refugio County Chamber of Commerce family. We send a photo to the local newspaper and post it on our Facebook page to help you promote your new business.
- Members are automatically listed on the Chamber website under your business category. Promote your business or organization's events for FREE on the Chamber's Events page.
- Constant Contact, Inc. is an online e-blast tool used by your Chamber to connect with our Members quickly about upcoming events to keep you up-to-date on happenings around the county. We also use it to survey our Members in order to stay informed about your business needs.
- Attend our Lunch and Learn Meetings for a chance to network with other businesses in the area. We provide resources for topics that are of interest to our attendees such as training on Quickbooks, tips on Social Media marketing, or help with Workforce Development
- Make sure your business cards and brochures are displayed in our executive office for visitors to take with them or to be placed in New Resident Packets that we distribute to potential customers. This is a great way to get your company name into new hands.
- Our Shop Local Campaigns provide you with an opportunity to participate in events designed to encourage local support for area businesses.
- Your Chamber is an active member of the Texas Coastal Bend Regional Tourism Council which meets monthly to plan ways to promote tourism to our area. We also participate in their events such as Travel Fairs and Expos to encourage visitors to come explore Refugio County.